Product Design : GreenSlate
GreenSlate is an enterprise resource planning platform built for media production. Providing tools for accounting, payroll, approval flows, team management, and business intelligence. I’ve worked on several projects with roles as both Product Designer and Feature Owner.
Design System
As the web app expands its features, so does its library of components and design conventions. The application had accumulated some design and technical debt, and the best way to tackle the issue was to create a cross team Design System.
• Designing a framework for the system, so it can inform cross teams.
• Perform an application wide UI audit to capture all existing components, in order to spot inconsistencies and normalize UI conventions.
• Building out the design system in collaboration with development (codebase), marketing (brand guideline), and design team members to ensure that the system works for everyone.
Enhancing the File Attachment UI / UX
End users have a need to attach & associate files with individual transactions lines rather than a general file repository for all transactions.
• Interviewing end user and subject matter experts on the workflows and use case for file attachments when creating a ‘digital envelope’ for expense reconciliation.
• Conducting a competitive analysis of Expensify’s UI / UX for best practices.
• Auditing the current File Upload process, and outlining the potential modifications needed to the existing UI / UX.
• Prototyping the new UI (for both desktop and mobile), with iterations based on stakeholder feedback
User Personas
As an enterprise software with a variety of users, GreenSlate’s user base needed definition in order for have a reference when building their many application features
• Interviewed subject matter experts on the different roles each user has for media productions, which varies on scale and media type.
• Interviewed users on their day to day workflow, and also their proficiency in technology, as well as accounting and production knowledge, and also their favorite app and film
• Gathered the data and created a master PDF and shared among team members
Migration of Accounting Reports
Migration of the Accounting Reports feature from GreenSlate’s legacy software to their new web application
• Audit of each report type and its respective filter parameters
• Documenting findings to serve as master spec source with flow charts and excel sheets
• Updating or removing redundant filters to optimize the user experience
• Prototyping the new UI, with iterations based on stakeholder feedback
• Overseeing QA testing and user testing to ensure a seamless transition for both new and existing users
Integration with PEX Prepaid Cards
Built a Card Management tool, integrated with a partner company
• Competitive analysis of PEX portal and other prepaid card services
• Consulting with stakeholders on what is the MVP for user adoption, and building a roadmap for feature functionality and enhancements
• Documentation of user flows, work flows and user stories
• Prototyping wireframes for main feature page and each adjacent pages
• Overseeing testing in a sandbox environment to ensure data integrity
• Coordinating with client support team, to transition legacy import method to the new API
Incentives Dashboard
Built a dashboard tool for the accounting team to track, manage and share tax credit incentives with clients
• Interviews with subject matter experts on tax credit applications
• Mapping the workflows for tax credit application submission and processing
• Prototyping the Tax Incentives dashboard and Incentives creation page, and reviewing design with stakeholders
• Facilitating testing with accountants, to further iterate the user experience
Tax Documents & User Adoption
Built a feature for users to access their annual tax documents, and facilitation of user adoption from paper to digital tax documents
• Interviews with subject matter experts on tax document workflow and legalities around sensitive documents
• Prototyping the page UI and defining the on-boarding workflow
• Presenting design to stakeholders, and iterating design based on feedback
• Documenting user flows and work flows for user conversion to opt-in to digital tax documents
• Coordinating with Client Support team to import all clients’ Tax Documents into the application database
• Leading the intra-department effort of converting existing and incoming users to opt-in to digital tax documents
Reorganizing GreenSlate’s sitemap
The GreenSlate application navigation menu was rapidly growing with new features, and needed a re-structure of hierarchy and categories
• Defining the application’s sitemap via audit
• Consulting Subject Matter Experts on hierarchy of feature priorities
• Categorizing features by production roles and reorganizing structure by breaking out into Company level and Project level features
• Defining the breadcrumbs path that would help users navigate throughout the application
• Prototyping the new user interface, and presenting design solution to stakeholders